Animal Yokochou Manga

Animal Yokochou Manga

Summary: From Eternal Bunny Love: Ami moves into a new house and finds a mysterious trapdoor in her room. From that trapdoor, pops out 3 strange animals. Iyo (rabbit), Issa (panda), and Kenta (bear) are from Animal Yokocho, which is where the trapdoor leads. Don’t underestimate these c...  From Eternal Bunny Love: Ami moves into a new house and finds a mysterious trapdoor in her room. From that trapdoor, pops out 3 strange animals. Iyo (rabbit), Issa (panda), and Kenta (bear) are from Animal Yokocho, which is where the trapdoor leads. Don’t underestimate these cute little animals, because they can cause a whole lot of trouble. Show less

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