The Legend of Kamui Manga

The Legend of Kamui Manga

Summary: The rogue ninja Kamui is struggling to free himself from the iron fist of his own clan. As a ronin, he should not exist. In his flight from his clan he meets another ronin ninja, a woman named Sugaru. Sugaru, wanting only to live in peace, is very distrustful. Her paranoia is sho...  The rogue ninja Kamui is struggling to free himself from the iron fist of his own clan. As a ronin, he should not exist. In his flight from his clan he meets another ronin ninja, a woman named Sugaru. Sugaru, wanting only to live in peace, is very distrustful. Her paranoia is shown to be justified. The manga covers Kamui's struggle to leave his past behind and Sugaru's failure to do the same. Show less

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